vivienne bachelet

Vivienne Bachelet: Strengthening public health from a research and development perspective

Agosto 16, 2023 con ciencia mujer

Vivienne Bachelet, professor, researcher and coordinator at the Evidence-Based Medicine Unit at the USACH’S Faculty of Medical Sciences.

“In our country, one of the challenges still to be solved in public health, which is associated with health research, is how to generate studies that are more robust methodologically speaking,” believes Vivienne Bachelet. Adding that “we need longitudinal and cohort studies with people in the community, because these studies will allow us to have research platforms that can be activated at a specific moment when we face an emergency like the 2020 pandemic.

Why is gender equality in science, technology and innovation important?

“La investigación no puede ser un“Research can’t be a space for elites or for the self-reproduction of elites, but a space for democratic participation. And, in this sense, one of the first acts of reparation and justice that should be done is against gender discrimination, which has prevailed for decades.

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