Science Up is a consortium integrated by Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN) and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV), which were jointly granted the project Science and Innovation for 2030 by CORFO (Chilean economic development agency). The objective of this project is to implement a strategic development plan for the transformation of the universities’ faculties of science into undergraduate and graduate areas.

In the first stage—2018 to 2020—the Consortium conducted technological tours in the United States and Europe to make an international comparison and develop the strategic plan that will allow these faculties to have a development more in tune with the society and the productive sector.

The second stage of implementation—from 2021 to 2026—seeks to increase scientific-technological R&D, technology transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Faculties of Science through the participation of their teachers, researchers and students.

Funding institution: CORFO; Amount granted: 1 billion CLP; Years: 2022-2024