
Science and technology in a podcast format, produced by the Scientific and Technological Research Office of USACH’s Office of the Vice-President for Research, Innovation and Creation.

Diálogos con Ciencia

This is Diálogos con Ciencia, a podcast of USACH’s Scientific and Technological Research Office DYCIT.

We invite you on a journey of knowledge, science and innovation. In our first season, we explore science topics of general interest, led by renowned researchers from our university. Each of the eight episodes is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the brilliant minds behind scientific advances, discover inspiring stories, and learn about innovative projects that are shaping our future.

Let’s start this journey together!


Narrators: Dr. Carolina Aliaga and Irma Fernández/ General production: Irma Fernández / Post-production and Script: Irma Fernández aand Camilo Araya / Voice-over: Paz Campos /Design: Fabián Flores /Social Networks: Paula Contreras.


Casa Central, Primer piso
Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 3363, Estación Central, Santiago de Chile.

(+56-2) 271 80047