maría victoria correa

Dr. María Victoria Correa: Rescuing architectonic heritage for the new generations

Julio 17, 2023 con ciencia mujer

Dr. María Victoria Correa, professor and researcher at USACH’s Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment

“I’m interested in existing buildings and I see how to intervene them respectfully in order to pass them to future generations”. This is the great motivation that guides the research activities of Professor and Researcher María Victoria Correa.

For Dr. Correa, “one of the greatest challenges our country faces in preserving and promoting our heritage is to think of the city as an existing city, and not as a city where a zoning plan is established that does not take into account its urban and historical fabric”.

Why is gender equality in science, technology and innovation important?

“The role of women in architecture research is important as it adds perspectives that were harder to find in the past, when most architects were men. Today, many more women are graduating from this program, which provides more perspectives to generate knowledge”.

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