BioMA Laboratory of Biodiversity and Environment- Formerly the LEC- Laboratory of Ecology and Preservation
Faculty of Technology / Department of Agricultural Management
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BioMa conducts research that seeks to understand the impact of human activity on forest ecosystems, focusing on species facing conservation problems, as well as species related to the dynamics of dead wood, including woodpeckers and birds that feed on tree trunks, saproxylic insects, vertebrates and invertebrates that use cavities and epiphytic organisms. BioMa also addresses the socioeconomic problems derived from the environmental crisis that impact forestry and agriculture activities such as apiculture, livestock farming and traditional crops. In another line, the laboratory aims to understand how the global environmental changes are transmitted and impact ecosystems, and how this phenomenon favors the spread of invasive species and diseases.
Habitat fragmentation and degradation
Saproxylic organisms
Impacts of global change on biodiversity and forestry and agriculture activities
Spread of invasive species and diseases
ARBOTOM Sonic tomograph with 12 sensors (2019)
Optical lens
Camera traps
Dr. Pablo Vergara Egert Jefe de laboratorio
Claudia Hidalgo Corrotea Coordinadora del laboratorio
Dr. Alberto Alaniz Baeza Investigador post-doctoral
Dr. Mario Carvajal León Asistente de investigación
Dr. Darío Moreira Arce Profesor asociado
Correo de contacto: Website: Location: Faculty of Technology, second floor
ADDRESS Casa Central, Primer piso Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 3363, Estación Central, Santiago de Chile.