Dr. Claudia Ortiz, professor at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology

Decontaminating Mining Sites through Phytoremediation

Abril 12, 2022 con ciencia mujer

Mitigating the environmental impact of mining projects is currently one of the main challenges of this industry. Furthermore, in the case of the new Chilean environmental regulation, mining companies are required to take responsibility for their environmental liabilities from the start of their projects.

One of the greatest solutions to this problem is phytoremediation, which consists of the use of plants and their associated microorganisms to improve and recover contaminated soils. For more than 20 years, Dr. Claudia Ortiz, professor at our University, has dedicated her scientific activity to plant biochemistry and phytoremediation, with a focus on metal mining in Chile, conducting research and development projects that have improved ecosystems impacted by mining activities.

“Gender equality in science should be promoted because diversity enrichens activities, discussions and idea generation”, indicates Dr. Claudia Ortiz.

Learn more about her story here

Casa Central, Primer piso
Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 3363, Estación Central, Santiago de Chile.

(+56-2) 271 80047
