The Innovation in Higher Education Project (InES): “Competitive Development and Sustainable Innovation based on R&D of High Social, Economic and Environmental Impact at Universidad de Santiago”, seeks to significantly and consistently increase innovation based on R&D of high social, economic and environmental impact at the University.
R&D&I outreach towards companies, public and social institutions.
Development and validation of prototypes and pilots.
Support to R&D based innovation entrepreneurship.
Transfer and commercialization of technologies for innovation.
Creation of Innovation spaces for entrepreneurship, innovation and meetings with the industry.
Each of the following pillars face different challenges that are addressed through the R&D Based Innovation NETWORK (IBID NETWORK), which will respond to them by coordinating, reaching and articulating the different stakeholders and institutional capacities of the University.
Segundo encuentro de gestoras y gestores tecnológicos USACH
The R&D Based Innovation NETWORK (IBID NETWORK) articulates and manages stakeholders and activities, coordinating the capacities of the Faculties, Centers and Laboratories to strengthen the research, development, innovation and entrepreneurship activities. The IBID Network includes the Managers Network, which aims to generate contacts among the different stakeholders working at university in technological management, entrepreneurship and innovation in order to build collaborative work through the integration of the different areas of USACH.
Series of workshops for technology managers, developed in collaboration with Hub APTA. The initiative has the objective to provide tools and best practices linked to technology transfer, intellectual property, and negotiation, among other aspects, integrating knowledge related to digital innovation and artificial intelligence.
Pilot training program for USACH’ research teams. It aims to promote the collaboration between the academic community and industry by providing tools to facilitate the transformation of research results into tangible solutions that may benefit the society. In addition, the program offers advice and supervision, allowing USACH’s work teams to project their research to a market under constant evolution.
Area: Innovation in Higher Education
Region: Metropolitan
Year of the grant : 2020
Implementation period: 36 meses
Implementation period: Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation
National Agency for Research and Development
ADDRESS Casa Central, Primer piso Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 3363, Estación Central, Santiago de Chile.